
Member companies


Unique business sectors


Years building partnerships

What We Do

Since 2005, DSAC has formed strategic partnerships with more than 700 companies

The Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC)

The Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) is a strategic partnership between the U.S. government and the U.S. private industry that enhances communication and promotes the timely and effective exchange of security and intelligence information between the federal government and the private sector.

DSAC facilitates strong, enduring relationships among its private sector member companies, across the FBI enterprise, and with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Headquarters and Fusion Centers, in addition to other federal government entities to detect, prevent, and deter criminal acts.

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DSAC Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet

Read facts and more information in the DSAC Brochure.

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Becoming a member

Elligible DSAC member companies must have a minimum of $1 billion in revenue, a U.S.-based Chief Security Officer (CSO) or equivalent, and a nexus to national and economic security. DSAC is especially interested in companies that bring a unique and diverse experience to the program.

Becoming a member



Access to a large network of top-tier security professionals in both the private and public sectors


DSAC offers direct engagement with FBI and DHS leaders and professionals.


DSAC provides ongoing access to a network of diverse security professionals from the highest levels of government and the private sector.


DSAC tailors intelligence and security information from the FBI and DHS to DSAC members.


DSAC membership grants access to an exclusive portal where private sector members and government officials collaborate and share information.


DSAC provides access to local, regional, and national executive events, continuing education, and conferences related to national and economic security.

Email Alerts

DSAC Members will receive email alerts when intelligence and security information is published by DSAC on the member portal.


See how DSAC is helping member organizations detect, prevent, and deter criminal acts

“The value the DSAC will bring to your company; I think it's two-fold: number one, it's relationships, and number two, it's information.”

Dave Komendat

Former VP & CSO, Boeing

“[DSAC] It's an alliance, a partnership between the government and the private sector. The FBI and DHS can't do their jobs alone in a silo, nor can the private sector.”

Ron Iden

Former SrVP and CSO, Walt Disney Company

“When I need to problem solve, I can pick up the phone and call any number of members and ask them how they've done something in the past.”

Deidre Fike

VP Security Investigations, MGM Resorts International